Business Corporate

Do you need advice about your obligations as a director?


We advise a wide range of Limited Companies, Partnerships and sole Traders. Our commercial experience and legal expertise enable us to provide you with a complete and comprehensive service.


If you are in business you may need:

• A Partnership or Shareholders Agreement to regulate your affairs in the event of disagreement
• Advice on liabilities and obligations as a director or a partner
• Contracts of Employment for staff and directors, and creation of company policies/employee handbooks
• Terms of business – do you have your own and are they carefully worded
• Covenants to ensure that your “trade secrets” remain secret
• Help to interpret contract clauses – do they, in fact, mean what you think they mean?


Maria Long 
Chief Executive & Head of Business
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 023 9282 8131

Stephen Ward
Solicitor (Member)
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 023 9282 8131


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