Residential Conveyancing

For further information please visit our Residential Conveyancing page

We do not want you to have any unwanted surprises during the course of your transaction so we will give you an estimate of likely costs and disbursements before you decide to instruct us.

Broadly speaking, we will agree a fixed fee with you but if your matter is more complex or it is difficult to know what will be involved, we may agree an hourly rate with you.

We know that every transaction is unique, so we will keep you informed if we identify any additional work which will need to be done in order to successfully conclude your matter.

We also offer First Time Buyers a bespoke fee.

At Stokes Solicitors we understand each person is different and we believe each case is too.   We provide a personal service.

To assist you with the process of buying and selling please see the links below.

Example Quote.  Fees are shown for a CONVEYANCING RESIDENTIAL sale and purchase transaction these are indicative only for a property price of £250,000 FREEHOLD (registered title) in the Portsmouth, Hampshire area.   A full estimate can be provided once we have understood the individual circumstances of the transaction.   


Our Fees £1,260.00 plus VAT

Telegraphic transfer incurred for sending redemption money or balance of funds £  30.00 plus VAT

Third party disbursements(as at Jan 2023)

Land Registry search fee £9.00

Additional Fees (if applicable)

If there is a Redemption of a Mortgage £  50.00 plus VAT

If the property is Leasehold £400.00 plus VAT


Our Fees £1,440.00 plus VAT

Telegraphic transfer incurred for sending redemption money or balance of funds £  30.00 plus VAT per transfer

Third party disbursements – subject to change (as at Jan 2023)

Local Search fee £123.00

Drainage and Water Search £43.13

Environmental Search £61.20

Final search fees £11.00

^Stamp Duty Land Tax £2500.00

Land Registry registration fee £150.00 (from 31.01.23)

Estate Agent fees – as agreed between client and Estate Agents.

Additional Fees (if applicable)

If there is a Redemption of a Mortgage £  50.00 plus VAT

If the property is Leasehold £400.00 plus VAT

Acting for a Mortgage Lender £150.00 plus VAT

Leasehold sale or purchases: 

We are unable to advise of further Leasehold fees and disbursements until documentation is perused.  Should additional documentation be required e.g. Deed of Variation, Declaration of Trust, Statutory Declaration, Lease Extension, Solar Panels, a further fee will be charged.

For further information about buying and selling please see link:


Disbursements are charges levied by third parties which apply to your transaction, such as Land Registry fees and Stamp Duty Land Tax, and which we will pay on your behalf. These costs are fixed by the third-party supplier and we cannot influence them.

Disbursements are dependent upon a sale or purchase price and area of the property.    

There will be third party disbursements required with all transactions and these can be subject to change. 

For up to date information and figures regarding Stamp Duty Land Tax and Land Registry fees please see links below.

The price of third party disbursement are dependent on the area and further information can be sought direct from the respective authorities or Stokes Solicitors LLP can provide a full disbursement breakdown on request.

Timing.  The time any conveyancing work may take is very difficult to predict, since it will be directly affected by the time taken by outside agencies, such as surveyors, mortgage lenders and local authorities, as well as the personal wishes of the individual parties to the transaction.  Normally, we expect a conveyancing transaction to complete within a period of between 6 and 9 weeks from commencement, but we will advise you further as to timing once more information is available.

Stages of a transaction

Our leaflet can help explain the process of buying a home.


* Important Notes:

The figures shown are based on a standard transaction of a registered title that proceeds in a timely manner without undue complication. Our fees are subject to increase dependent on the value, location and complexity.  New Builds will require an additional fee which can be provided on request.

It is also on the basis that no Indemnity Policies are required. Additional disbursements may apply in such cases.

Our fees do NOT include required correspondence with a third party i.e. matrimonial/divorce solicitor.

An administration fee of £30 plus VAT is charged for a telegraphic transfer incurred for sending redemption money or balance of funds.

^Stamp duty calculation is based on a freehold, residential, individual, non-first time buyer who does not own any other properties at a purchase price of £250,000.  

Our price guide does not apply to properties in the Greater London area, the sale of Shared Ownership Leasehold properties, New Builds, or the sale of Mobile Homes.  Please contact us for a bespoke estimate.

A full list of indicative figures for our fees can be provided on request.

Please contact us to discuss further.

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